Eryngium yuccifolium

 It's taken until 2010 to get the name right!
Eryngium yuccifolium - Juvenile Phase!

This interesting spikey plant is a character. I bought the plant from the small nursery at Ruapuna, which is a country garden in inland Canterbury. Spikey was featured in many of the borders, and I liked its attitude, though it had to grow nameless in my garden for a number of years.

So Far So Good...

In its first season here in my garden the plant kept to itself, neat and tidy, at the side of a small path through the Hen House Borders. It demanded respect, but wasn't too sharp to weed around.

Eryngium yuccifolium Seed-Heads


The following spring stalks grew up out of its middle, and at a height of six feet the strangest creamy white thistle balls formed. I waited expectantly for these to colour, then worried that spikey would die down and disappear. Would its flower heads eventually spread their seeds around?

I decided to leave the tall stems for as long as possible. There's something exciting about the unknown.....

Years Later...

It didn't disappear at all, and several smaller seedlings have since grown on well. I've been able to transplant quite mature plants with a bit of water and no problems. I've also found out its name. I saw a plant in my local Botanical Gardens (which has the good manners to label everything clearly). Welcome to Eryngium yuccifolium, and thanks for those seedlings!