Adirondack Garden Seat

I'm a great fan of Adirondack garden seats, particularly wooden ones. Then I can choose whether to let them naturally weather, or paint them an exciting colour. They are super comfortable, and their shape demands that the gardener stays put and rests awhile.

A Solo Seat

There's a solo Adirondack at the edge of the Frisbee Lawn. I've painted it a sort of plummy colour, and sited it in the sun, where the sitter can enjoy the wide expanse of the lawn and the surrounding shrubs and trees. It's a deep seated chair, impossible to lean out of to do any weeding - this is very important, as the nearby garden border is always a bit weedy.

 With pale blue spring Forget-me-nots in the garden behind.
Rusty Dog by the Adirondack Garden Seat

The seat was a delightful no-reason surprise present from a friend. She even managed to fit it in the back of her small car, knowing that I'd like it, and my garden would have space for it. Oh yes, please! And it was rather a surprise. When someone says they have a present for you in their tiny car, one doesn't automatically think of a well-built wooden Adirondack garden chair...

 Not settling on the ground. Phew!
Just a Bit of Snow