Upcoming Events

What's Next?
Listing upcoming events in the Moosey garden might help me become a better organised gardener, planning ahead, preparing properly for new gardening events. In the next few months I am going to buy in shrubs, maybe Camellias, and fill in the gaps in the Wattle Woods. And I promise to clean up the interior of the Jelly Bean Border.
It's always the perfect time for a fresh new attitude from the Head Gardener, to get her full of energy and excitement! It's never the wrong time for new plans. There'll be new mulch for my paths, new policies regarding weeding and garden maintenance. And as every day gets longer there's more and more time to spend in the garden...
Sounds wonderful, and it is. But there's so much work to be done, too. I'll have to check if any of the gardens need watering (they will) and I'll need to keep on trimming and dead-heading. I could even tidy my glasshouse (if I get bored).

Good Things 2023
I really enjoy writing up my gardening journal - some days I spent far too much time scribbling and not enough time in the garden itself. Check out my latest 2023 ramblings. Garden life is such fun to write about.
Well, I'm hoping that the rest of 2023 will be crammed full of great garden things and great web things, too. Perhaps I'll find some more garden gnomes who need rescuing. Oooh, goodie...
Enjoy your mid-summer, or mid-winter, or spring, or autumn, whichever it is! And don't forget to have fun in your garden.