Recent Garden News

 Being modest, as usual...
Head Gardener

The Recent Garden News page displays the fifteen most recent additions to Mooseys Country Garden. This should help visitors keep up with what's going on in my garden.

Gardens are always growing and changing - there's always something new to see. And, as I love writing about my garden almost as much as being in it, there'll always be some new Moosey ramblings to read, or new pictures to look at. Perhaps the garden activities of my summer will warm up a northern hemisphere gardener's winter days. I know how much I enjoy my mid-winter garden visits to summery places.

Two weeks can be a long time in the life of a garden. There's inevitably some repetition, so please be understanding if I'm saying the same things over and over again. I hope you'll enjoy seeing what I've been working on recently...

A welcoming garden?A welcoming garden?...
Have now spent nearly a week in the Welcome Garden. Cleaning up, little by little, day by day. Sitting down, getting grubby, celebrating the improvements.
Gardening spirits...Gardening spirits......
My winter garden looks wonderful in the morning fog - it's spooky, mysterious, and beautiful - alive with gardening spirits, like the Ivory Prince and the Weeping Maiden...
Stern words...Stern words......
Stern words - I have to to continue my clean-up of the Welcome Garden. So I have written a stern list. It's a bit daunting, but all items allow me to sit down on my bottom. So I will be reasonably comfortable for a lot of the time. Here goes...
Layers and DogsLayers and Dogs...
I've had a great gardening week, though the days have been rather cold and the nights frosty. I'm getting tougher, I reckon. And it's all to do with wearing layers, taking them off, then putting them on again.
Thinking about how grubby I can get when I garden in winter. I sit down in the dirt, and sometimes I lie down, getting muddy from my shoulders to my ankles. Total immersion!
Ready for the Olympics?Ready for the Olympics?...
Have just become aware of all the sport going on in the non-gardening world outside. The Tour de France. The Euro semi-finals (go Spain). Wimbledon (such a tradition). And almost the Olympics. Eek! I need to get the garden ready for the Olympics?
Today I got up to find the wood burner in the house blazing merrily, and a note from Non-Gardening Partner - 'Gone skiing'. Blast! I had such plans for him! But lighting the fire was a great idea, since there was a pretty heavy (for us) frost.
Arondo by the Water Race...Arondo by the Water Race......
Today I'm going to try a focussed list - everything needing to be done is on the banks of the water race. Every few years or so the foliage plants along the edges need serious trimming - or even digging out. I will work in one place, and not wander off. I will not lose the kitchen breadknife.
Toughen up for JulyToughen up for July...
The rain and drizzle have returned, but I'm doing my best to keep working in the garden. Have deliberately been taking my morning coffee and lunch outside, whatever the weather is doing. July is going to be my toughening-up month.
Wattle Tree down...Wattle Tree down......
Oops - in the last week of June my glasshouse was smashed in half when a huge Wattle tree crashed down. Planning the clean up - what to do first? Organise Non-Gardening Partner with his chainsaw, obviously.
Gnomes versus bathrooms...Gnomes versus bathrooms......
Some lovely friends are visiting, and they want to look round the garden. I have a choice - clean the bathroom? Or check all the gnomes by the pond, making sure none had fallen over?
Weather-wise words...Weather-wise words......
OK. Some weather-wise words. Work with the weather. It is what it is. Be thankful the rain hasn't been extreme (like it's been in the North Island). Stop mooching around blaming the weather for mooching around. The weather is not out to annoy you. Nothing personal.
Seven years...Seven years......
I hope that seven year cycles don't apply to snow. Looking back through my journals, my garden got seriously snow in the winters of 2003, 2011 and 2017 (average difference of seven years). In between, just a few inconsequential flakes.
Almost finished?Almost finished?...
Easy to miscalculate the amount of work needed in order to finish something. I honestly thought I was close to finishing raking up the Pond Paddock leaves. I wasn't. I also thought I'd trimmed at least half of the Aconites in the Apple Tree Garden. I hadn't.
Damp, muddy reality of winterDamp, muddy reality of winter...
Have been thinking. I am going to try and record my winter garden in all its damp, brown splendour. Maybe take a few selfies of me in my drizzle-gardening clothes. Search out the beautiful winter things, celebrate the season for its damp, muddy reality.