Garden Tour

Welcome to the Mooseys Country Garden Tour. Pop in anytime and visit the different areas of my garden - I'd love to show you around.

It's easy to get lost in the greenery, so now would be a good time to bookmark our site!

You could start your garden tour at the Apple Tree Gardens, or maybe wander through the Wattle Woods to the Pond Garden. Where-ever you go you'll see photographs of my garden favourites. Please use the map provided or the thumbnails below.

There are cats, both old and young, to meet (they'll want to keep you company) and a dog who'll probably be snoozing. Take your time - enjoy the paths, rest on the seats, and be sure to stop by the house for a cup of tea.

Apple Tree Gardens TourApple Tree Gardens Tour...
The Apple Tree Gardens tour takes you through the Apple Tree Border, a foliage garden created around old heirloom fruit trees, and on to the top lawn, the woodshed with its exuberant pink rambling rose, and the potager-turned-rose garden, with pergola.
Dog-Path Garden TourDog-Path Garden Tour...
The Dog-Path Garden reaches along the water race between Middle Bridge and Willow Tree Bridge. During my first digging sessions I had dog company, and I watched Taj-dog poking his nose into the messy grasses by the water, flattening all the vegetation. This is how I coined the phrase 'dog-path'
Driveway Garden TourDriveway Garden Tour...
The Driveway Border is the first part of the garden that visitors walk or drive through. At the fork there's a huge Cordyline and a decision to be made - go straight ahead, or turn left? It might be a good time to stop and look around - you'll reach the house soon enough.
Frisbee Lawn Gardens TourFrisbee Lawn Gardens Tour...
The Frisbee Lawn is a large, flat circular paddock surrounded by a fence. It has its own narrow border, backed by deciduous trees. You'll see lots of New Zealand shrubs in this border...
Hazel Orchard Garden TourHazel Orchard Garden Tour...
In the winter of 2003 over seven hundred small trees were planted, slowly and carefully, in the one of the back paddocks. This was a major project at Mooseys - the creation of an orchard of Hazelnut trees.
Hen House Garden TourHen House Garden Tour...
An old rustic hen house sits by the boundary fence, over the water race. I started the Hen House Garden here in 1999. Evergreen New Zealand natives were to go here, a collection of rescued rugosa roses there, and so on...
House and Garden TourHouse and Garden Tour...
The Moosey House Gardens are fairly flowery by nature, full of roses and perennials, spring bulbs, and small ornamental grasses. The Moosey house is framed by Wisteria in spring and climbing roses cover the patio pergola in summer.
Island Bed and Shrubbery TourIsland Bed and Shrubbery Tour...
An Island Bed was already dug in the house lawn when I arrived at Mooseys in the spring of 1994. My fondest memory is rather silly - this was my first ever weeding weekend in my new garden. Aargh! Little did I know...
Jelly Bean GardenJelly Bean Garden...
The Jelly Bean Border is a very early garden which I dug in the Pond Paddock to provide shelter from the blustery nor-west winds. It's one of the few areas in my garden that hasn't really been able to expand wildly. And yes - it did start life shaped like a jelly bean, and still looks like one, if you peep from the house balcony above.
Middle Garden TourMiddle Garden Tour...
Middle Garden is an undisciplined riot of plantings, from Pittosporums and Rhododendrons to a free spirited Golden Hop which was intended to only cover a tree stump. Oops. Daffodils, pansies, lupins and euphorbias edge the paths, squashed in between large Phormiums (flaxes) and Cordylines.
Septic Tank Garden TourSeptic Tank Garden Tour...
For a garden with such a 'down-to-earth' name the Septic Tank Garden certainly is pretty! Ornamental shrubs, herbs and Lavenders, and roses (naturally) live in the house-side of this garden. Over the fence on the shady side, you'll meet hostas, hostas, and more hostas...
Pond Garden TourPond Garden Tour...
The Pond Garden Tour will show you the gardens around my irrigation pond, which is deep and large enough to swim in. Be brave and push past the Gunnera, roses, and Phormiums to the water's edge. The path surface here is a little uneven, so please try not to wobble! That water can be quite cold...
Wattle Woods TourWattle Woods Tour...
Wattles (Acacias) are huge, brittle Australian trees, and are some of the tallest on the property. The garden I created underneath them was sensibly called the Wattle Woods. Paths wind through the dappled shade, edged with green foliage plants, with humble wooden seats to relax on...
Stumpy Garden TourStumpy Garden Tour...
The Stumpy Garden is a great location for coffee drinkers and summer readers. The rhododendrons are beautifully colourful in spring. In summer there are roses to enjoy, surrounded by foxgloves, delphiniums and penstemons, lupins and blue pansies...