Growing Today

Growing Today is a New Zealand magazine with good articles and advice for small block farmers, who are often called 'lifestylers'. It's thoughtful and practical, and has a good honest attitude to the cost of farm developments.

New Zealand Growing Today : INL magazines, New Zealand

 A great selection of topics each month.
Growing Today New Zealand Style

This magazine claims to give "good advice for country life", and it does just that. The articles are aimed at informing lifestyle block owners about types of crops to grow, ways to use the land, and so on.

All sorts of farming possibilities are discussed. Good links are also provided to specialist resources, should you want further information.

It's a very good read for New Zealand hobby farmers. Each month there is a really great selection of articles to read. Some topics are practical and sensible, while others can be the start of a horticultural dream.

Growing Today is serious enough for gardening partners to be forced to read, too. Perhaps they might enjoy helping the gardener set up a Lavender farm, or a small arboretum...

As you see, I have particularly enjoyed the articles about flower crops and trees...

To find out more about this quality New Zealand magazine, or to subscribe to it, visit the website : online subscription