New Zealand Gardener
This is the national magazine for general gardening in New Zealand. It has been published continuously since 1944!
New Zealand Gardener Magazine
Fairfax Magazines NZ
New Zealand Gardener has a variety of styles and attitudes, and sometimes seems confused - should it be a light read by the coffee table or an inspiring and informative experience?
There are articles and contributors whose writing I really enjoy (Barbara Lea Taylor, for one). Since I have a large garden I am more interested in the real outdoors than cute courtyards with contrived designs.

New Zealand Gardener
So many of the magazine's articles are probably wasted on me. And I do have a built in barrier against garden designers, which this magazine loves to feature.
New Zealand Gardener seems incredibly aware of all the nursery latest releases, and gives a lot of page time to commercial garden events like the Ellerslie Flower Show. It is certainly interested in the New Zealand gardener's dollar...
Then I will discover a wonderful article with depth and absolutely no sales-pitch (for example on the use of New Zealand natives for hedging) and all is forgiven.