Awatere Tussock Track - Day 3

Cordyline and Tussock
Here are my trip notes and photographs of Day Three on the Awatere Tussock Track (10km, approx 4-5 hours):
Merino sheep may be boring, but following them dreamily along high country farm tracks is definitely not. Today you'll enjoy the lumpiness of Marlborough's less elevated hills. There's history in the old Musterer's Hut, and enticing views back to the 'tops', where you were intrepidly striding yesterday. Then you'll pass through the biggest nature reserve on the property. There's much more than tussock on this trip.
After the 'lunch' shelter, you just know that the farm road descent will soon be over. Home! That means your car, your cell phone, those 'other' responsibilities... Aargh! The bitter-sweet end moment, when the owners welcome you back to the farm cottage. My goodness, you're bursting to tell them how wonderful the whole track has been, which bits you really liked, which bits were slightly scary. You grin and thank them. And hug them. What a groovy trip! The best ever, and you're definitely coming back.
Days later, pottering quietly in your own so-small-scale garden, you'll smile again and again, reliving those huge moments in the high country.

Awatere Tussock Track - Day Three
The Awatere Tussock Track is a private walking track in Marlborough's high country. Farm owners Simon and Lynda Harvey have opened up their land to be enjoyed by others. It's the best hike I've ever, ever done.
Moosey Footnote
These are the deeply personal ramblings of a fit, adventurous, semi-senior gardener-hiker (me) with slightly dodgy knees and an untiring love of New Zealand's 'Great Outdoors'.