
Good morning to my garden. Have put on my little hoses. Have sorted out lots of colourful photographs. Pictures of little things, inconsequential when compared to the big rhododendrons, flowering their hearts out. Colours everywhere. And a new flowery tea cosy! Am blessed.

 A wonderful gift from one of my choir singers.
Flower Tea Cosy

Yesterday was a most peculiar day. Left home at 8:30am with my car full of bags - swimming stuff, three music bags (for chamber music and two choir rehearsals), more music, keyboard, and clothes (posh top and emerald green jeans) for a memorial service I was playing and singing at mid-afternoon, computer and library book to occupy time between gigs, and a lunch box stuffed full of sticky custard tarts. Oh so healthy! Got back home at 10:30pm feeling rather dazed. And pretty sad, to be honest.

Ha! Today it's back to the garden, with a peaceful pointy-toes mid-morning Silver Swans ballet class thrown in. This afternoon I've been working in the dry, dusty Allotment Garden - watering and digging out huge wadges of Alkanet and Campion. The plan is to soak the big roses and the shelter Pittosporums, and to resist the urge to plant anything in the soily spaces. Hard work, though it shouldn't have been. Six barrowfuls of heavy, weedy mess!

Back with my cats and dogs...

Love being back with my lovely cats and dogs. Threw Winnie's ball over and over again, while Pebbles (a dog with simpler needs) gazed, mesmerised, at next door's goats. One of the Fred cats smooched and rolled in the gravel driveway, getting in the way. Buster the black cat lurked in the hedge spying on us all. My cats and dogs in the garden - love them.

 For Tony Kelly - Irish greens!
A Green Picture

R.I.P. Tony Kelly. Thank you for carrying my heavy keyboard from my car into the Folk Club for gigs. Thank you for giving me the best, softest, biggest hug after I'd played. Thank you so much.