Summer Garden Notebook...

 In the summer of 1994.
Summer Gardener

This is my Summer Garden Notebook. In the front, lists of 'things to do today' will be found. In the back, I will write down quotes and ideas from books...

Saturday 1st November

Here is my first November list. It is very important, and I need to take notice of it.

Get river sand and horse poos. Sow seeds - echiums, nicotiana, blue salvia, white honesty and variegated honesty. Take cuttings - shrubby Lavateras, daisies, white geraniums, Lavenders. Remember to shift roses - two Buff Beauties and one Margaret Merril.

Oh, Just in case I forget. Take heaps and heaps - and heaps and heaps - of Lavender cuttings.

 Summer 1996.
The Jelly Bean Border

Saturday 8th November

Here is this weekend's list. If I do everything on it, I am allowed a reward. Get stakes for tomatoes, take cuttings of variegated Brunnera, Cistus with the pink flower, catmint, Penstemon Purple Passion. And shift the miniature roses into pots.

Sunday 23rd November

Things to do today: Dig the Nursery Bed, plant Nicotianas and Lavateras. Also get lots of food for the barbecue. Don't forget bananas.

Here is a list of nice old roses for my garden: Maiden's Blush (Alba, nice), Prince Camille de Rohan - Hybrid Perpetual, deep crimson, Rosa Glauca, Madame Knorr (Portland, pink and smells really, really nice), Frances Dubreuil (Tea Rose, great smell).