Phormiums in Pots

My coloured hybrid Phormiums often start off in pots. As long as they're summer-watered and don't get too hot, they enjoy a short stay therein. But usually after three years the message is clear - please move us into the proper garden! Please!

 Two coloured hybrids placed in the garden.
Phormiums in Pots

But this is just fine. It's an excuse to buy a new youngster to fill that vacant pot, hee hee.

What pot?

I usually use large terracotta pots. But coloured, glazed ones certainly add interest. This glazed green pot came already planted with a New Zealand Phormium hybrid. The colour combination just appealed to me. This Phormium is a variety called 'Evening Glow'. It has the richest red leaves, and certainly glows in the daytime as well.

 In a beautiful green pot.
Phormium Evening Glow

New Zealand Phormiums (AKA flaxes) look great in pots, and a lot of mine start out their garden life this way. When they grow a bit, rather than repot them I find a space in the garden. And then, of course, I can buy a new plant. The larger the Phormium, the larger the pot into which it goes. Makes sense, yes? Though the species Phormium tenaxes are just a bit large, and too rough looking. But with coloured hybrids, the colour conscious gardener can create some lovely combinations, subdued or bright.

 In a terracotta pot.
Hybrid Phormium Blondie

Phormiums in pots will need to be kept well trimmed (that is, the dead leaves removed) and reasonably well watered to look their best. Planting a fountain shaped flax in a pot can immediately give height interest, when placed in the middle of a garden border.

 Surrounded by blue forget-me-nots.
Blondie Phormium in Spring