Pink Nerine Bulbs
The Stables Garden is one border where I can grow Nerines well. Their bulbs sit half above the ground, and get sun-baked in summer.

PInk Nerines
These flowering bulbs do things backwards - they form flowers on tall thin stalks, die down, and then in late Autumn produce clumps of ground-hugging bright green shiny leaves.
I believe they have the common name of Naked Ladies - well, I won't have that sort of thing in my garden! Far too risque! And think what the search engines might come up with!

Nerines and Flax
The Nerines grow right in front of a rather large and ever-expanding New Zealand flax. It's a great backdrop to the flowers, though. I know there are many other much more desirable colours available to gardeners now, but I still like the pinks.