Oops. I've had quite a few garden-lazy days in a row. The garden needs some 'w's : watering, weeding, and Wonder-Woman. She seems to be missing in action. The hot temperatures must have deterred her from putting on her costume... Wonder if it still fits?

Stacked Firewood
However, I have spend quite a few hot hours throwing firewood into the trailer and stacking it in the woodshed. Then I wander around bucketing water and shifting hoses. I'm not being totally lazy.
Yeay for my choirs...
Musically, 2019 has started really well. Both my choirs have groovy new songs, chosen and arranged by me, and it is all rather exciting. And really good piano news : my personal piano playing is improving, and I have a delicious and thought-provoking Prokovief flute and piano sonata to practice. It's such fun playing chamber music, and I loooooove my flute player!

New Zealand Gardener Roses
Each day I water all the new roses in The Hump, plus the recently shifted Phormiums and Maple tree. Who shifts an ornamental maple in mid-summer? Hee hee, me. Cross fingers - there's no sign of sulking as yet. And I love my new path structure, and the rose show - Just Joey and NZ Gardener are looking luscious, sitting together near what's left of the mulch mountain. Plenty of room for more roses, hee hee. And the few which were rudely shifted in three weeks ago are starting sprouting. This shows what a little bit of nerve (and consistent mid-summer watering) can do.
So not much is happening in the garden, apart from the mint running, the daisies flopping, and gum leaves dropping everywhere. It's too hot to rake, and I can't burn the mess. Time I gave a cheer for the Hydrangeas, 'soldiering on' in their dappled shady spaces. They're not even remotely droopy, thanks to the irrigation running nearly every night.
Easy Colour
And though a lot of the dahlias are flopping around, they do provide easy colour, and lots of self-sown babies (mostly in shades of red). In a large country garden (with lots of green in the background) there is simply no such thing as a clash of dahlia colours! One day, when I am rich enough to employ an under-gardener, I will leave instructions for the staking thereof. For the moment, tough luck...
Oh, I probably could dig that running mint out. Every year I bleat that I didn't plant it there. And then I try to give it boundaries. Hmm...