The sun is back!
Finally the rain has stopped here. The birds know - they were much noisier and busier first thing this morning. The cats can now be out and about without getting drenched.

Sun! Yeay!
There's actually some sunshine - and blue sky! Yeay!
A special week for worriers...
It's a special week for dog-worriers (that's me, a little bit). Winnie goes to her vet for her first post-op checkup - one week after her surgery. Apart from a couple of 4am squeaking sessions (needing to toilet) she's been very settled in her crate.
And it's a special week for world-worriers (that's me, too) - I've been called in this Friday for my first Covid vaccine shot. Yeay! Am very relieved about this.

Late Maple Colour
I could do some garden work this morning - raking wet leaves into bags seems like a good choice of activity. Have been house-bound for three days, dry, safe, and pretty happy. No point in fighting nature, is there?
Just get on with it...
And not much point in over-worrying, though lots of thinking and caring is fine. Just get on with it, is my advice to me. And if I can't think of an 'it' to get on with, do some housework. Hmm.