Re-defining myself

Lost Gardening Shoes
Am sooooo embarassed to have sulked in public. And to have broken the first rule of blogging, namely : never, ever write your journal when grumpy. Nobody wants to read about grumpy. Harden up, princess! Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, and don't mess with Mister In-Between...
I am re-defining myself as a happy gardener who trips around (not literally) her winter garden and enjoys it. I will take my dogs for a garden walk and find lots of lovely things to photograph. I will even comb all the tangles out of my hair. Aargh! A new me!
This new me will spread twenty bags of freshly delivered horse manure around all the rhododendrons. She will not moan that they are too heavy to handle, too wet and squishy, or too wormy.

Pink Azalea Flowering
She will trim (properly) the huge Phormium by the Stumpy Garden gate. Clip, snip, scissors, bread-knife, whatever it takes. She will not chronicle any digital aches or pains, or mention her sore knee, or give even the slightest hint of being bored. Ha!

Forgot all about the horse manure. Spent a busy hour raking more oak leaves and trimming the Phormiums by the Stumpy Garden. Remembered I was wearing my fancy-pants clothes - oops. Naughty. Changed into GGG (good gardening gear).
Almost immediately it started spitting cold rain, but the new me was undaunted. Sat down in the dirt and sliced down another Phormium at ankle-height (it was splitting apart). Lasted another hour and a half.
Throw the ball...
Threw Winnies's tennis ball over the water. Lost Winnie's tennis ball, which was soiled, dark green, and very slimy - exactly like the garden. Found it again, threw it again, and so on, and so on.
I can do this!
Hey! I can do this! If only to have something superbly positive to write proudly about, hee hee...

Creamy Camellias
And just look at these flowering shrub photographs - the big pink Azalea and the creamy white Camellias by the Sleep-Out. Yeay. Winter in my garden is so beautiful.