Garden Bench on Duck Lawn

Garden benches are important in my garden - they're comfortable, stop me in my gardening tracks, and get me sitting and relaxing. For my spring birthday of 2010 Non-Gardening Partner fixed up a bargain ten dollar garden bench and helped me place it on the edge of Duck Lawn, with THE perfect view of the Cordylines in Middle Garden.

 Duckless Lawn...
Garden Bench on Duck Lawn

I've always enjoyed stopping on Duck Lawn to stare at the plantings in Middle Garden. in earlier gardening days I'd do a fast-speed flexible flop down onto the grass to seizing the gardening moment. In these much stiffer days the moment is well and truly over before the legs get horizontal. And it seems an awfully long way to get back up again, as if gravity has increased. Oh dear.

Duckless Lawn?

Pity about the lack of ducks, though. Changing the name to 'Duckless Lawn' seems a bit mean spirited.