Cape Campbell's Cordylines

Monster Cordyline
I'm supposed to be a gardener, interested in plants and shrubs and trees. Oh dear. The only plant life photographs I took on the Cape Campbell Walkway were of Cordylines - New Zealand's iconic Cabbage trees.
Cabbage Trees
In New Zealand Cordylines are known as 'Cabbage Trees'. It's a rather less exotic name than 'Cabbage Palm' or 'Palm tree', by which this lovely spiky shrub-tree is known in Scotland (and possibly England).
The strappy leaves are hard to break, and get caught in lawn mowers and shredders. I know - I grow as many Cabbage trees in my own garden as I can get away with!
Ancient Cordylines
The farms on Cape Campbell have inherited many beautiful green Cordylines, which the guide book describes as 'ancient'. The story goes that in earlier times local Maori planted them a day's walk from each other. The leaves could then be used for making (and presumably repairing) sandals and back-packs.

Leaning Cordyline
Some of the Cape Campbell Cordylines have the hugest trunks I've ever seen. Others are on ridiculous leans - those famous prevailing winds again! Some smaller trees are busy regenerating in sheltered gullies along the track.
Plant Apology
I am so sorry, Raoulia, Kanuka and Manuka, Muehylenbeckia, Tree Fuschia - I didn't quite take enough notice of you, even though you were proudly listed in the walkway guide. I walked happily through fields dotted with tussock grasses and spiky divaricated shrubs, and hardly ever stopped for a photograph.

Yet Another Farm Cordyline
But every single old Cordyline got gazed at, hugged, and duly photographed. Hopeless!