Achillea often start as a gardener's favourite perennials and end up on the rubbish heap. They just can't seem to shake their weed status - even the richly coloured ones.

terracotta achillea in mixed border
I was so impressed with my first serious Achillea purchase - a hybrid called 'Terracotta'. I ordered in three specimens from a mail order nursery - I wanted the instant effect of a larger clump, and if I wasn't satisfied I was determined to remove all three to one of my rubbish heaps.
A great performer...
This Achillea really performed well in those early years. before the trees became too shady. The colour was stunning. It was planted in a hot spot in the Hen House Garden where fresh air can freely circulate, and has thrived with little attention.

Red and Bright Pink Achillea Hybrids
Then I bought a variety called Moonlight, from a plant stand at an open garden. But I quickly became disenchanted. I'd seen it in photographs looking absolutely beautiful, but in my garden it just looked dirty. I realised that I definitely prefer stronger colours, like bright pinks and reds. Then they didn't look so much like paddock weeds...

Red Achillea
Achillea has the common name Yarrow, and yes, the species is a weed. Along the grass verges in my neighbourhood, and in the paddocks, you'll see white and pink yarrow definitely being weedy!