Japanese Anemone

 Such a pretty flower.
Japanese Anemone Flower

When first given some Japanese Anemones I immediately planted them in a hot border by the house. It was quite the wrong place, but luckily for me the soil was desperately dry and I was able to dig out all the bits of roots.

Down the Driveway

An area down the driveway was designated as a more appropriate patch, and all my plants were moved there. So far they've not gone forth and multiplied too much. Again the soil is infertile and inclined to be dry, and their beautiful white flowers brighten up this shady spot, though they aren't happy in autumn droughts.

Footnote - 2010

Did I in all innocence think I'd managed to remove all those roots? Because now, in 2010, I have a thriving patch of white Japanese Anemones in that original planting place. They are quite delightful from late summer on, particularly when their flowering stems are infiltrated by a pale blue aster. And provided I keep up my watering regime I have masses of beautiful white flowers.

 One of the most loved autumn flowering perennials.
White Japanese Anemones in the Garden

The rather ponderous name of this perennial intrigues me, so I've done a quick Google search. Its full name is Anemone hupehensis var. japonica, and the white cultivar I grow could well be 'Honorine Joubert'. And I've always spelt it wrong. Oops...

Not Invasive? Hmm...

Nobody has the nerve to call this pretty flower 'invasive', though. Hmm... Any gardeners who need to be totally in control of their perennials should be very, very wary.