Rhododendron President Roosevelt
This striking rhododendron is the popular hybrid 'President Roosevelt'. It was in the garden when I first arrived, and used to have yellow and green variegated foliage. Unfortunately a lot of this shrub (which grows in the Island Bed) has reverted to plain green. Oops...

President Roosevelt Rhododendron
A few years ago I offered a good country home to another President Roosevelt. This one was fully variegated, and I planted him next-door to the original, hoping he could be a variegation role model. Now if only rhododendrons took notice of each other...
Another of these presidential rhododendrons survives on the edge of the Wattle Woods, where watering is erratic in summer. Oddly enough this one has faithfully kept its variegation, but has few flowers. Its position is intolerable, though - the Wattle trees suck all the moisture and goodness out of the soil.

President Roosevelt
My apologies if I'm naming this rhododendron wrongly. A gardening friend claims that if it loses its variegation, then it must also lose the 'Roosevelt' from its name. I'm not sure whether I believe her...

President Roosevelt
And looking closely at some my flowery photographs, there's little evidence of variegated leaves. Oops again...

Is This Rhododendron President Roosevelt?