Rose Just Joey

Just Joey Rose
Just Joey is a beautiful apricot hybrid tea rose, and I have several shrubs in different places in my garden. Early on I rescued and rehomed a rose which looked like Just Joey - shrub shape and size, buds and flower size, time of blooming, and so on. Several rose friends agreed with me.
Later, two Just Joeys with labels came to live in my garden. They were indeed all the same rose.
A favourite Hybrid Tea Rose
My first Just Joey was dug out a garden planted in the eighties or nineties. During this time Just Joey was one of New Zealand's favourite hybrid tea roses for suburban gardens.
And so, with an authenticity warning, I decided that this beautiful apricot rose was Just Joey, and named its photographs accordingly. There really isn't any other rose with this look and flowering time in New Zealand. But - webpages written by well-meaning older lady gardeners who misinform the Google-searching public are soooooo annoying...

Just Joey in the Garden
This first Just Joey grows in the back of the Glass-House Garden, near the water race. The buds are quite pointy, and then the rose flowers open slowly. Some have an asymmetrical, frilly look.

Unknown Rose - Just Joey?
Interestingly, the Just Joey images I've Googled are many and varied - photographs appear of all shades from pink to yellow, as well as the apricots in-between. I hope mine doesn't add to the confusion! Just Joey? Just possibly!
In the early summer of 2012 a standard rose which I rescued and planted in the front of the Glass-House Garden flowered. Oh yes. It had the label Just Joey, and its flowers were exactly the same as my first one. Confirmation, a positive ID, I reckon!
In the summer of 2019 I was given another Just Joey, flowering, with label attached. I planted it in the Hump Garden, my best garden for roses, and all the photographs in this thumbnail strip above are of it.