Old Master Rose
My first Old Master was a standard rose I bought for five dollars from a sale at a local Crematorium. One of Sam McGredy's 'hand painted' roses, it looked superb in Middle Border surrounded by self sown white and lime green Nicotianas.
Oops! In the winter of 2004 I shifted my Old Master standard - just across the path, you understand. It was, after all, the right time of the year to shift a rose! I dug him well into his new spot, watered and laid composted around. Old Master, like a crusty old-school painter, obviously abhorred change, and seriously sulked all summer.

Old Master Rose
In the autumn of 2005 my flirtation with him finished, and he went into retirement (actually he went in the burning pile).
Second Old Master
Then off to the rose sale I went and found a shrub replacement, which I lovingly planted in the Hen House Garden. Oddly, this chap disappeared - one year he was there, a few years later he wasn't, and I have no record of shifting him.

Old Master Roses
But wait! Enter Old Master Mark Three, again rescued from the rose nursery sale. I have high hopes for him, though his original planting place was rather inhospitable, and he sat in a pot for a wee while. This Old Master is now planted in the patio garden my the house.

Old Master Rose
A few years ago I offered a good country home to a group of unwanted roses, no names given. And yes, there was an Old Master - his colour markings are very obvious, and he was terribly popular in New Zealand rose gardens back in the day. He's planted by Willow Bridge, out in the open sunshine by the water race. Oddly, he's rather shorter and stubbier than I'd expect.
A couple of tiny comments about the flowers. To me they all tend to look the same. The colour doesn't fade with age...