On the Shady Side
The shady side of the Septic Tank Border backs onto a fence, and contains a great mixture of plants. One beautiful pink rhododendron shows off in late spring, followed by a variegated Philadelphus and foliage perennials. Clumps of Mondo grass and Bergenias line the edge.

shady side border plantings - 2003
Looking back along this side border in early Summer you'll see the yellow euphorbia filling up the gaps in the plantings. The photograph below was taken in the year 2000.

shady side border plantings - 2000
Many people consider this plant looks weedy and it can be a self-seeding nuisance, but it is cheerful, undemanding, and I like it best in a mass planting. Actually, I tend to let it plant itself!

Pond-side Septic Tank Border - 2009
The pond-side border backs onto the Septic Tank border, and both borders share one problem - semi-invasive lemon-flowering Lamium. Aargh! Every second year I think I've weeded it all out.
Honesty is 'In' - Lamium is 'Out"
Self sown purple honesty is welcome, and flowers on both sides of the fence in Spring. The spikey edge plant towards the distance is a ruby Astelia.

shady side septic tank border - spring 2000
The final two photographs are also from the archive years, when the Yellow Wave flax and the ruby Astelia were still small. Later in the summer flowering perennials have taken over from the daffodils and honesty.

Shady side septic tank border - summer 2000
You can see how small the Cabbage tree once was. This garden is still changing. Where will it all end?