Minimus my Cottage Cat
Minumus, my cottage cat, is a little grey barrel-shaped female. She spends her days in the gardens near the cottage and her nights inside, snuggled underneath the bed cover. Dear Minimus!

Young Minimus the Cottage Cat
The afternoon sun shines beautifully in the white cane seats on the cottage verandah. Minimus knows these are 'her' seats, put here especially for her to enjoy an afternoon nap. She can also keep an eye out for human or feline visitors.

Minimus the Cat
Minimus's cottage is surrounded by tall trees. Some of the Eucalypts have beautifully scratchy bark, perfect for sharpening claws and for general traction. The New Zealand Cordylines behind the cottage are also excellent cat climbing trees.
Whenever I meet Minimus in the garden she'll show off by zooming up the nearest tree trunk. Look at meeeeeeee!

Sharpen Those Claws!
Don't worry that she's shut out of the cottage in the daytimes. She can always take shelter in the nearly Pump House if she needs to. Underneath the cottage is another safe hiding place, useful when there are strange dog visitors.

Minimus by Pond Cottage