Pond Cottage
Pond Cottage is a much photographed and admired little cottage which nestles in sheltering trees on the edge of Pond Paddock. It's a gardener's retreat, with a magical view of the pond, naturally!
Much Photographed, Much Admired...
Well, it's much photographed and much admired by me, at least! Only a few select friends have so far been welcomed onto its verandah to have a cup of coffee and gaze at the sparkling pond (and my family of red-hatted garden gnomes who are mainly fishing on the other side). And only one cat is allowed inside - that's Minimus, a small tubby grey girl.

Pond Cottage
Did I say much photographed? Oh dear. I mean 'very, very, very much'. Because it's primarily a gardener's cottage, I have a barrowful of pictures, taken at different times in slightly different seasons, and from different viewpoints. Different flowers and trees share the photographs (blue rosemary, pink Camellias, white cherry blossom, bright yellow Wattle flowers).
There are pond reflections of Pond Cottage, back, front and sides views, and so on. What to choose for this page? The red photographs below were all taken in its first four months.

Red Pond Cottage in the Garden
Pond Cottage was constructed in the winter of 2010, and gradually over the next months the finishing details were put in (insulation, wall and ceiling lining) - and on (reddish paint, spouting). I have buckets of in-construction photographs too - perhaps I'll show you them another time, when you've got half an hour to spare?

Green Pond Cottage Photographs
It's my pride and joy - the little garden cottage of my dreams that I've always wanted, and never dared think I'd have. Thanks, Non-Gardening Partner, for finishing the floor and helping me move my bed and bookcase in for the summer holidays. Hee hee...
Pond Cottage goes Green
In winter 2012 I painted the cottage green. The accessories inside are all green, so now the outside fits the green theme as well. The cottage blends in much more with the surrounding garden.

2012 - Pond Cottage Has Turned Green
The green paint cost me seven dollars from the recycling store, and should enhance the flower colours in spring and summer. That brick red colour (though I really liked it) was rather unsympathetic to pinks and blues.