Mermaid Rose On a Garden Fence
An old sheep fence used to run towards the Sleep-Out, with a narrow garden border on each side. In my earliest rose phase I planted two fierce Mermaid roses, whose thorny canes stretched right along the fence.

the creamy yellow single rose mermaid
Mermaid is a lovely single rose with a rather nasty temper. If ever you decide to prune it, wear gauntlets! And don't ever expect to get pretty, floriferous photographs - there are always as many spent blooms as buds and new flowers.

Mermaid Rose Flowering in Autumn
In the winter of 2007 I took out the Mermaid roses, and most of the back fence fence, and replanted grass lawn where the narrow garden borders had been. Just occasionally I get thorny Mermaid canes popping up out of the lawn to remind me what I'm missing. Hmm...