Wooden Garden Seats
Finally the Driveway Lawn has some sturdy wooden garden seats. How about sitting in the shade underneath the big flowering cherry tree? It's a peaceful spot, and there's much to enjoy in the surrounding spring gardens.

Purple Wooden Garden Seats
Further along there's a matching wooden bench - with nice wide armrests, perfect for balancing the morning cup of coffee. I bought all three garden seats at a budget price in an online auction.
Lucky Gardener!
I was the only bidder! Lucky gardener...

Purple Seats - Autumn and Winter 2012
The seats are there to enjoy in all the gardening seasons. But in May 2012 I made a decision - my garden needed more colour, particularly when spring was a fond memory. And I found some cheap, good quality recycled exterior paint. So the Driveway seats and garden bench have gone brilliantly purple. So much nicer than the original peeling green. Enjoy!

Purple Garden Seats in Autumn