Mid-Summer Rose

Every year in mid-summer the scrambling rose called Wedding Day produces its creamy white single flowers, high in the trees which shelter the driveway.

 In the Driveway Garden.
Wedding Day Rose

And every year in mid-summer the wind blows the rose around, and long thorny canes just happen to drop down. Mid-summer is also the favourite time for bicycle rides at dusk and the Head Gardener tends to zoom down the drive like a woman possessed - in serious training for le Tour de Moosey.

 A huge scrambling rose.
Wedding Day Rose

Then at dawn you might find her sauntering dreamily down the Driveway, not paying much attention to anything. Ouch! Aargh! Rip! Scratches - and blood!

Romantic Climbing, Rambling and Scrambling Roses

I bought the rose Wedding Day with a gift voucher, when I was in my romantic climbing, rambling and scrambling roses phase. Hmm... Enough said!