Birthday Garden Seats

 The Birthday Garden seats.
Happy Birthday!

Lucky Daughter of Moosey! For her 2010 birthday she has been proudly presented with some old wicker garden furniture - two seats and a little table. They go with her Birthday Rose Garden (2005-2008) and her Birthday Garden Mural (2009)...

Garden-Themed Presents

Garden-themed presents. Hmm... Surely this is not just another lame excuse for the Head Gardener to buy something else for the garden - under the guise of being a birthday present? Oops...

However, I'm sure that Daughter of Moosey (who lives overseas) loves her birthday presents to be local. And I've always wanted to put some garden furniture in here on the calm, secluded lawn. I can sit and enjoy her roses while making warm mental connections. Hee hee...

Cat Consumer Tested...

The new wicker armchairs have already been cat-consumer tested by big Fluff-Fluff. The seat curve which so accommodates the human bottom also fits the body of a large cat rather nicely, thank you!

 Happy Birthday, Daughter of Moosey!
Birthday Garden Furniture

How about some Birthday Garden Gnomes? Oops - just kidding. The seats are still in one piece, and I still plan to paint them a ridiculous shade of plummy purple.

 Spot the gnomes!
Birthday Garden Behind the Stables

Oops. In 2014, due to the ravages of wet weather upon ancient cane furniture, the Birthday Garden seats had to be - ahem - deposited on the bonfire. Now the small lawn is empty, expectantly waiting...