Holiday 1 - Singapore
Here is my very first holiday journal page, covering the few days I spent on the beautiful island of Singapore. I even went to the Botanic Gardens twice! Due to very red face (heat and humidity), many smiling photographs of visiting self have had to be omitted.

Red-Faced Singapore Tourist
Tuesday 5th June
I am in Singapore, about to get a taxi to the Botanic Gardens. It's my first big garden test - can I spend the whole morning taking sensible photographs and return with enough information (easy) and inspiration (more doubtful) to write in an intelligent (easy) and interesting (more doubtful) way?

Fern-Leafed Flower
I almost failed my hotel test - took 15 minutes to work out how to get the lights working, felt very foolish at lack of experience with technical wizardry and gadgetry of modern four star hotels. I kept clicking the button which said 'Wake up the room', and waited and waited for light and TV. Oops. 'Make up the room' were the actual words.

Singapore Gardeners
Older ladies should wear their spectacles, and realise that the swipe card goes in that little container by the hotel door, as well as making the lifts work...
Later, at the Gardens...
I have peered at beautiful tropical plants - palm trees, orchids, Helliconias - it's humid and overcast, a delightfully warm day. I've seen red-faced English women jogging, parties of local school children playing well-organised games, groups of robed adults performing slow, spiritual exercises - and dogs peeing disgracefully on the garden signs.
There are busloads of visitors, and park workers suited up like chemical pest controllers vacuuming up the leaves from the grass. Lovely Singapore, you have the most beautiful Botanic Gardens, and it's great to see them full of appreciative people.

Pot Plants
Now I'm off to the Singapore Zoo. My kind taxi-driver Richard is picking me up.
Later, Apres Zoo...
I had fun! I've stared at sleepy snakes, hungry otters, all sorts of Ethiopian rift animals, and some beautiful African beasties. All the animals are able to 'free-range' - like the Moosey chooks! Didn't take any photographs, though. A small personal detail - due to the shock of seeing self in hotel room full length mirror, my striped three-quarter pants have been jettisoned. Warning to skirt - you might be next! I never wear skirts.

The Bromeliad House
Thursday 7th June
I've been for a walk on the Changi Village foreshore - beautifully hot, high humidity. The island of Ubin is right there, so close you could swim to it - if you could dodge the barges, the yachts motoring past, and the rather large ships. Singapore is the busiest sea-port in the world, and I've never seen such a collection of floating vessels.

Changi Foreshore
Right. I am off to the Bird Park, and then I have to return to the Botanic Gardens. On reading my map I've found a whole area called the Eco Garden which I missed. Being a New Zealand greenie this simply will not do! And I have a list of photographs which I need to take.
Later, at Airport...
Another great day - I walked around the eco-lake (it wasn't incredibly obviously eco). I saw a bride, and another dog being disgraceful. I took lots more photographs. The Bird Park was well worth the visit, too. What ridiculous colours some birds are - bright and beautiful, the colours of traffic cones and safety vests.

Flamingoes in the Bird Park
Now I'm cooling off in the air conditioning, waiting for my flight to Frankfurt. Singapore has been a brilliant stop-over, and those gardens definitely worth two visits! Taxi driver Richard drove me everywhere - so friendly and helpful, my personal tour guide. Thank you, Richard, for making my short visit safe and successful.