Another new plan!

Hand Watering
The last gardening week of my January has been groovy. Each morning I've been out exercising myself and the dogs, and in the afternoons I've done maybe three hours weeding and watering in the garden. I have yet another new Personal Management Plan (must be a January thing, like joining a gym hee hee).
Friday 26th January
It has rules - what good PM Plan doesn't? While weeding, no silly bending over (not so good for the dodgy hip). Bend the knees (creak), kneel (creak), or simply sit (down, slowly) in the dirt and then bottom-wiggle around like a baby. The indoors buzz word is 'posture' Hmm... Say no more.
Obviously there is always much to do as well as weeding, and there's been a mixture of hot and cooler weather. The wind has whooshed around each day, dropping chunks of Eucalyptus bark. I've tidied up the wee circle garden around the biggest of the gum trees (which grows smack bang in the middle of the house lawn).

Queen Annes Lace
Sitting Down
I've removed clover (sitting decorously, slicing sideways with the shovel, according to the new PMP) from the Perennials Garden by the pergola. The dahlias are now in full flower - so generous! And my swathes of Queen Anne's Lace and flowering perennial variegated Scrophularia are covered in busy, bumbling bees.
Today it's another of the same. The dogs will enjoy their dog park routine (and I have my nice friends to walk with). My relatively ancient knees and hips will enjoy my swimming routine. Keeping the gardener trim as well as the garden. Hmm...
Alarming Inspiration!
Earlier this morning, a moment of alarming inspiration, reading my Fine Gardening Magazine in bed in the cottage. Winding paths! An article written by a garden owner who allows her garden to evolve naturally, and who loves the idea of a network of winding paths. She likened it to a 'choose your own story' plot and ending.

Minimus on the Cottage Verandah
I am now inspired to rake and clear the Wattle Woods path network, which get so messy at this time of year. I am instantly proud of myself. I am not alone! And the Wattle Woods paths need a covering of path mulch, so this inspiration will take me all weekend to follow through. Yes! Something for the end of January that isn't weeding. Wow...

Path in the Wattle Woods
Later. I did it. Well, the first part of the path network is cleared. Large strips of gum keep on falling down, and there are a lot of gum leaves in the gardens, but the purpose of the paths has been reclaimed. I went swimming after my gardening work - hey! That shows I'm flexible. Well, at least the mental bits of me are.