The Bachelor...

 2017 Merino Bachelor.
Beau Ram

Hee hee. It's the 2017 TV season of New Zealand's 'The Bachelor'. Perfect timing! For Beau Ram, our handsome (and intact) merino bloke, has just been 'introduced' to some lovely ewes. Beau was last seen being chased around the paddock by the girls...

Sheepish contestants...

I took photos of the sheepish contestants while they were all jammed into the sheep yards. Five lucky ladies (all looking for love - well, that could be debated) eventually made the cut, and they were promptly dispatched to the 'Love Paddock' (aargh!) to wait for their Bachelor. He, showing rather more eagerness than the human Bachelor (in a family-rated TV series, anyway), jumped the yard fence and made a bee-line for the bleating women. Non-Gardening Partner and Rusty the sheep dog were in the way, which was rather confusing for a ram with romance on his mind. I beat a hasty retreat to shut the far paddock gate.

After some confusion as to the direction in which he should charge, Beau Ram made it through the correct gate and into THE paddock (see above). Oh boy!

 Waiting to meet the ladies.
Beau Ram

This ovine drama rather overshadowed the rest of my gardening day, which was spent raking up more mess, barrowing it to the bonfire, and burning. No romance in a bonfire, just poke and prod and sizzle. Which could sound romantically naughty, if you have that sort of mind, hee hee...