Moosey News : February 2008

Dear Subscriber,

Another gardening year is zooming by, and I'm spending more and more time in my garden. Where will this end? I will start growing leaves and branches like my favourite summer shrubs!

This month's features :

  1. 2008 Calendars
  2. The Waterwheel
  3. Variegated Carex Trifida
  4. Gertrude Jekyll's Ramblings
  5. Moosey's Journal Ramblings

Regulars :

  1. Plant of the Month : Hypericum
  2. Animals of the Month : My Ginger Gardening Cats Fluff-Fluff and Percy
  3. Garden Quote : No Fool Like an Old Fool
  4. Garden Gallery : Ligularia Flowers
  5. Forum Focus : Global Gardening
  6. Gardening Advice : Just Do It!
  7. Searching for Moosey : Up the garden path
  8. Coming up this month : More sunshine, and more summer flowers, please.

This month's features

1. 2008 Calendars

Quick - before too many months race past - choose one of 2008 new garden calendars. You can download and print your own, for free. Oh - 2008 is the year, not the number of calendars you can choose from - you knew that...!

2. The Waterwheel

A home-grown water feature, built from recycled bits of this and that, designed with love and engineering expertise - meet the new Moosey waterwheel

3. Variegated Carex Trifida

A new New Zealand native grass with a scary name - I've bought four variegated Carex trifida plants for my garden. Cross fingers!

4. Gertrude Jekyll's Ramblings

What a wise woman Gertrude Jekyll was - and still is, as my modern gardener's eyes read her words of ancient gardening wisdom.

5. Moosey's Journal Rambling

I've been busy rambling on in my journal about everything under the sun - I'm not quite as wise or knowledgeable as Miss Jekyll, though!


6. Plant of the Month : Hypericum

The sunniest, yellowest, cheeriest flowers ever are still blooming on my Hypericum shrubs.

7. Animal of the Month : My Ginger Gardening Cats Fluff-Fluff and Percy

Meet my two ginger gardening cats - they have their own cat story, and you can check out two beautiful new photographs in the journal.

8. Garden Quote : No Fool Like an Old Fool

Not that the Moosey Head Gardener could ever be called old, mind you...

9. Garden Gallery : Ligularia Flowers

My garden is full of little native bumble bees, and their favourites at the moment are the bright orange Ligularia flowers.

10. Forum Focus : Global Gardening

Gardening connections from all around the world - if you haven't yet visited the Moosey forum, you haven't lived!

11. Gardening Advice : Just Do It!

How much better my garden would be if I took my own sensible advice!

12. Searching for Moosey : Up the garden path

Up the garden path
Hmm... Sometimes you'll have trouble searching for my paths, as they wiggle through overgrown greenery and plants generally planted far too close. Check out the Moosey paths before they disappear!

13. Coming up this month : More sunshine, and more summer flowers, please.

I'm getting used to lovely warm days. I love seeing so much blue sky, and finding bright colours in the flower borders. I'd like more of the same...
