Moosey News : June 2008

Dear Subscriber,

June in the Moosey garden is the first officially cold month. But this gardener is determined not to get the winter blues. I've got huge plans for new garden features...

This month's features :

  1. New Rose - Teasing Georgia
  2. A Foliage Fix
  3. Willow Bridge
  4. Foster Cats - One Year On
  5. Preparing For Winter

Regulars :

  1. Plant of the Month : Sweet Alice
  2. Animal of the Month : Rusty the Dog
  3. Garden Quote : Nothing stays small enough...
  4. Garden Gallery : Canna Lily Flower
  5. Forum Focus : Newbies
  6. Gardening Advice : Banned Words
  7. Searching for Moosey : garden shed
  8. Coming up this month : Winter.

This month's features

1. New Rose - Teasing Georgia

Teasing Georgia has just finished flowering, so here's my chance to brighten up my winter with a brand new rose page.

2. A Foliage Fix

Foliage plants just keep sneaking into the Birthday Rose Garden. I find it impossible to stick to a roses-only policy.

3. Willow Bridge

Here's my latest bridge which spans the water race. It's called Willow Bridge because it leads to the Willow Tree Garden...

4. Foster Cats - One Year On

A year ago I took in three wild kittens, to socialise them and find them new homes. They're all still here at Mooseys...

5. Preparing For Winter

Ha! Here's some good advice for those gardeners who hate the idea of preparing for winter.


6. Plant of the Month : Sweet Alice

She's a little treasure for me, but maybe some gardeners see this self-seeding flower as a little nuisance.

7. Animals of the Month : Rusty the Dog

Rusty the red Border Collie gets this month's award for being beautifully colour co-ordinated with the late autumn garden. Check him out surrounded by autumn leaves.

8. Garden Quote : Nothing stays small enough...

Nothing I plant ever stays small enough to fit with everything else I plant. Hmm...

9. Garden Gallery : Canna Lily Flower

This luscious flowering Canna Lily flower hung on bravely for weeks, while plants all around started looking decidedly wintry.

10. Forum Focus : Newbies

Lots of forum friends are shy readers at first - but it's so nice when they decide to introduce themselves. Gardeners love making new connections with like-minded folk. A huge welcome to all the new Forum Newbies!

11. Gardening Advice : Banned Words

Some undesirable B-words and G-words have been starting to pop up in the Moosey journals...

12. Searching for Moosey : garden shed

Garden shed
In the Moosey journal pages you'll read a lot about the garden shed of my dreams. Unfortunately you could search the Moosey Garden until Christmas and not find a real garden shed. Yet. Need I say more?.
real garden sheds
Desperate shed seekers will have to try out a real garden shed site, as I did.

13. Coming up this month : Winter.

And I have my most positively positive attitude to the delightful season of winter ever! I'm going to enjoy myself staying home this month - I jolly well am!
