Weeping Silver Pear Tree
Good gardeners know that weeping Silver Pear trees are super-stylish and very ornamental. They should be planted in highly visible garden spots, in order to impress.
Under the Influence?
I bought a weeping Silver Pear (it cost me heaps) when I was under the influence of the stylish English garden. Alas - for some unknown reason, I planted mine out of sight in the Hazelnut Orchard. It was all alone, at the beginning of a row of raspberry canes, far too easily forgotten. One spring I even missed the blossom altogether!

Weeping Pear Blossom
Non-Gardening Partner nobly resisted my efforts to get the tree transplanted. But after a bit of tree damage in a wind storm, he agreed to dig up this weeping silver pear, which was on a bit of a lean. I planted it in the middle of the Glass-House Garden where it rewarded me by speedily dying. Humph.

Weeping Silver Pear Blossom
Then I managed to win an online auction for two more. And they went back into the Hazelnut Orchard, but in Cat's Memorial Row, marking the resting places of Jerome and Stumpy, my two original grey cats.
The blossoming season seems to be rather short, compared to other spring flowering trees. But my goodness that blossom is so beautiful.