Crimson Cascade Climbing Rose

Crimson Cascade Roses
It's time to welcome the climbing rose Crimson Cascade to my garden. It grows happily at the entrance to the sunny Hump garden, on an archway.
A romantic name...
Crimson Cascade is certainly a sturdy rose, and the blooms are long lasting when picked for a house vase. Having a romantic name obviously helps sales, but in this case the name is misleading. The rose is not exactly crimson (well, mine isn't), and certainly doesn't cascade.
But I'm not complaining, honestly. I enjoy the deep blood red flowers. They are a stunning colour. And a modest, stiffly upright, well-behaved climber is rather easy to train and prune.
'Useful on an arch', 'tough', ' a real do-er', 'a vigorous, upright grower with excellent health' - the descriptive phrases on Google search speak for a rose that is more utilitarian than romantic. Crimson Cascade stands to attention rather than drips. It would really suit the smaller garden, where there's no room for sprawling around. It would definitely suit the gardener who prefers a little bit of control!