Man and Dog
The rustic garden bench which faces the Dog-Path Garden is enclosed by a Pittosporum and a Cercis Forest Pansy. Taj-dog is waiting patiently for some action. Non-Gardening Partner is more interested in no action....

Sitting on the Bench - Summer 2001
The park bench has been here in this grass clearing for a while. The photo below was taken when the garden was still expanding, and the roses were small. All these roses were free (honestly).

Sitting on the Bench - Summer 1999
There is an extremely fragrant rose nearby which I'm sure is Sharifa Asma - I've planted it near to the water. The rose nearest the garden stump, which has annoyingly been sending out huge numbers of rootstock suckers, is the old-fashioned Reine Des Violettes. Since this photograph was taken Reine Des Violettes has been uprooted and moved.
Update 2010
Same man - phew! Different dog, though. And a vastly more crammed and overgrown garden aspect...