Looking onward...
The tree lucernes come down. Bulbs for spring are purchased and planted, and beds are cleaned up, as the garden looks onward to colder days.

Stumpy Crossing Middle Bridge
Saturday 4th March
Yesterday we won the cricket. (I know this is supposed to be a gardening diary, but we actually beat Australia).
Sunday 5th March
I have been sitting with early morning cup of tea on patio. The stripy Calamagrostis grass in Jeremy's border is looking beautiful. Her border is a festival of textures. It's very peaceful and still, with light twittering and rustling and some very quiet buzzing.
I can hear a pigeon from next door coo-ing in the Hump trees. Here comes Stumpy... I am going to enjoy the garden today.
Saturday 11th March
My bulb order from Kaydees has arrived! I went out at 7.15am this morning (it was still a bit dark) and DUG. The rugosa rose garden is now heaps bigger. Most of my new bargain bin roses are planted, and so are the new hebes and flaxes. Latest score - natives 20, roses 35!
Sunday 12th March
I have planted all the Kaydees bulbs over the water race and weeded at the same time (horrible gorse seedlings, ugly broom seedlings and NASTY GRASS). I reckon I planted about 250 new bulbs, mainly daffodils. My lady at the nursery is having a sale in two weeks and I am invited down for a preview on the Friday night. Cool! I will buy lots of plants (and a replacement tree for the Cornus over the water race which has died). I will have to start thinking about more gardens over the water race near the stables. Maybe an orchard. Or more trees...
Saturday 18th March
Weeding and filling up barrow with stuff cleared from borders (for example, I hate shasta daisies at this time of year). Pretty boring really.
Sunday 19th March
Not boring today! Two of the big tree lucernes in the Pond Paddock came down! The ambience of the March garden includes choruses of chainsaws, with the promise of warm winter log fires.. I spent three hours clearing and loading logs on the trailer. Then I bulb-planted until I was too tired to move.

The Tree Lucernces are Down
Saturday 25th March
The remaining tree lucernes are down. No wind, so we had a fire and burnt all the scrappy bits. The Pond Paddock looks a different shape now, which is quite peculiar. I also visited two local nursery sales and was restrained but satisfied.
Sunday 26th March
I have just come in from a 7.15am cup-of-tea, marmalade toast, gumboots, polar fleece vest, thermal legs... it's one of those fresh autumnal mornings when true gardeners are proud to be out of bed. The dahlia are still doing well, and it's late March. Gardening headline - Dead-heading Does Make a Difference...
I think the rugosa border curve is the wrong shape. It is daughter's birthday - Happy Birthday JJ
A few hours later I did return and dug like a lunatic in the rugosa border. I convexed the curve, if you know what I mean. I am pretty tired.