Another plan...

Right. I have a new self-affirmation plan (this tends to happen just before Christmas). It involves a wall chart, with a pretty photograph (see below), upon which I put ticks each day for being good.

 Some of the things that I love...
Photograph for My Wall Chart

There are five things that I loooooove doing, that I need (spiritually speaking) to do each day. Importantly, these are not things that I should be doing. So this is a guilt-free (and housework-free) wall chart, hee hee. My 'need to' categories are as follows :

  1. Do gardening (including my web-garden)
  2. Do music (sing, play piano, arrange for the choirs)
  3. Socialise with family and/or friends (including NGP)
  4. Do something nice with my dogs and cats
  5. Seek knowledge (read, do Maths, research, and so on)

Hee hee. Lets see how long this idea lasts.

Later, Day One...

All ticked and taken care of. I've planted two new roses (gifted from my Jazz Choir) - NZ Gardener (a Matthews bred rose) and Just Joey.

I've practised Bach, written an arrangement of the Spanish Christmas song 'Riu Riu Chiu' for my other choir, gone for a walk with my friend, and taken the dogs around the orchard several times. Non-Gardening Partner and I discussed England's problem with Brexit. And I've 'Wikipedia-ed' some information on fruit bats. As one does...

Friday 14th December, Day Two...

And today, too, gets five ticks. I've played music with my flute friend, lunched with another, started some serious weeding in The Hump (more of this later), walked and shampooed the dogs (both of whom were stinky), and taken Tiger the cat's lunch to her in her armchair.


Tiger has been visiting the vet, resulting in a new medication regime for her thyroid problem. She needs to put on weight. So far, so good - she's gained half a kilo in three weeks, eating THE most expensive fancy-pants cat food ever. Go Tiger!

 One of my newer roses.
Ann Endt Rugosa Rose

More rose photographs...

I've even done some web-gardening - you are, after all, reading this journal! I've processed more of my lovely rose photographs - the rugosa Ann Endt is now one of my new favourites. I've even read some of my book about early Arctic exploration.

But regarding weeding in The Hump. I'm going to have to use the spade to remove the top layer, roots and all. There are far too many weeds to pull out by hand, some resulting from the horse manure (I knew that would happen), but most just my own seedlings busy celebrating their new life with sunshine, warmth, and water. I knew that would happen, too.