Practising for the main event...

The biggest clean-up in the history of my garden starts next week, when the first of the old shelter trees in the Hump come crashing down. So what am I planning for the rest of this week? Aha! A giant clean-up of The Wilderness behind the pond. I am practising for the main event...

 Agapanthus on the left, Renga Renga on the right.
Pebbles on the Pond Path

Mad, unbalanced, unrealistic, whatever - it's just that the dogs and I have just been exploring in The Wilderness. Some years ago I mass-planted Agapanthus and some tough shrubs (mainly Photinias). There was a little path, as there often is in my gardens, winding through the huge towering trees. Trees! Aargh! But these trees are not going anywhere. They're Eucalyptus and Pittosporums, and one little Weeping Pear which seems to have survived.

What can 'The Wilderness' expect?

Normal gardens can be neglected and become overgrown in the blink of an eye, so an area called The Wilderness can't expect much, right? So naturally the path is now completely blocked by the Photinias and by branches of Wattle trees (which I will not prune away - their yellow flowers are so pretty later in winter). I'll shift the path.

 Another mud-bound gnome...

Another gnome rescue...

While walking with the dogs I discovered a tell-tale red hat sticking out from the mud. Another of the little chaps, stuck fast, in desperate trouble. Dug up the gnome. Oops. It was Rupert! Laid him carefully in some dry leaves.

So here's the plan. First, the morning coffee (because it's still only two degrees outside, brr). Then - out and at it! I will warm up by moving myself briskly. I will start by carting out the mess. I will still probably be carting out mess at Christmas. But it's easy, really. One looks, one thinks, and then one starts.

Later, Lunchtime...

One burns the mess, then one grabs some lunch and a cup of tea. And then one starts all over again. And wonders - if I wore a shower cap, maybe my hair wouldn't get all smoky from the bonfire. But what would I look like? This matters, apparently, when one gardens alone with two rude dogs for company...

Thursday 31st May

I was soooooo good yesterday afternoon. I trundled and burnt and raked and trundled. I cleared the proper path behind the pond, as well as a major 'chunk' of The Wilderness. I am amazed at the healthy shining Agapanthus swathe, tucked away underneath the gum trees.

 What fun. Hmm...
Bonfire Selfie

Now, a direct swap. I've found two almost dead variegated Hoherias. I've dug them out and replanted them closer to the pond where two recycled roses were trying to grow. Past tense. Huge, knobby root balls (too difficult to axe into 'growable' pieces), can't ever remember them having had the vigour to produce flowers. Ha! They've gone up in smoke.

 Watching the birdies.
Buster on the Patio Table

Three bags of manure spread, three barrowfuls of mess bonfired. Inside, warm by wood-burner, watching the birdies gratefully eat their lard ball and pineapple slices. So is Buster the cat. Oops.