The socialisation of Lilli-Puss...

 Dear cat!
Thankyou Lilli-Puss

Oh boy! I've nearly made the biggest mistake of my pet-nurturing life. Decided, since it was such a lovely day, that Lilli-Puss should come outside and keep me company gardening. Organised a seat outside her window for her to jump onto. Things went well for five minutes. Then Buster the black cat (not known for aggression) arrived hissing and howling. She chased Lilli-Puss underneath the house decking. Red Fred, Mister Nosy, then appeared - and under the decking he also went. More hissing and howling.

Nothing inherently wrong with these interactions - it's time that the cats sorted themselves out. But I'd totally forgotten that the brown dogs Escher and Frida were coming to visit. Aargh! Escher is a calm old boy, but Frida the young GSP chases cats. Awful timing for my cat socialising experiment.

 Fred and Buster
Two of My Normal Cats?

Spent ages calling Lilli out from underneath the decking. No luck - she wasn't there. Had to find her and sweet-talk her back into her safe room before those dogs arrived. Called and called. Black Fred appeared. Aargh! Wrong cat! Wandered around the house to the back door, and there she was, as calm as can be. Opened the door, and she ran down to her room. Phew!

 Watching a fantail.
Frida in the Orchard

Am one lucky cat owner. Now need to race back outside and finish the planting before the brown dogs arrive.

 My little grey cottage cat.


After the visit of the browns (young Frida is - interesting!) I've decided that my dogs and cats are quite normal, after all. I have Winnie whining in her crate, Pebbles barking at NGP (when not biting off the top of Winnie's ear), Lilli-Puss wandering around in circles like a demented polar bear from an old-school zoo, Buster hiding in the garden spying on me, the Freds trying to leap up my legs - do I look like a tree?

Young Minimus...

And of course young Minimus, who isn't really very young any more, lurking on the cottage verandah. Which reminds me - I must get a low table for her to climb more easily up on the bed. I did say normal, by the way...