Tra la la...

 She likes to follow them.
Lilli-Puss and the Dogs

More lovely rain for the garden, while the silly singing season (Christmas Carols, Handel's Messiah, Madrigals) keeps the gardener busy. I like being busy (though a little time spent being a busy gardener would be nice).

So while I've been tra-la-la-ing, going astray like sheep and Hallelujah Chorusing, Non-Gardening Partner has removed more of the dead woodshed rambling rose and the rampant thuggish Kiwi fruit vine.

An orchard path...

He's also mowed a path through the long grass in the orchard for me to walk the dogs without getting drenched. What do you think dogs? Think? We're dogs! We don't think. We go places, we do things. And we bark. End of story.

Now what about Christmas? I need to get the garden ready? I do have a Christmas garden plan. Read on...

 Just some of them.
Irises to trim and replant

So my big bearded irises have been hopeless flowering this year, for a very good reason. How many years has it been since I divided them? Far too long. It's going to be my Christmas present to me - a dedicated iris bed in the Allotment Garden. They're all so beautiful when they flower (the photographs above are proof of this).


Yeay! Have prepared the iris bed. Have dug out the irises, including a clump of lovely smoky blue ones by Willow Bridge. All were in a sorry state, underground - definitely in need of dividing. Have pulled out all the yellow Euphorbia plants, took ages.

 They love their walks.
Dogs in the Orchard

I love walking the dogs around the mown path in the orchard. It makes a difference, not getting totally wet jeans from the long wet grass. Have just had a great talk to them. Told them that sometimes I like dogs more than I like people. Except when they roll in dead pukekos (which people don't do, thankfully). Or disobey me (which doesn't make me sound very nice, oops).

Tra la la...

Now there's time for a quick coffee, and maybe a few pieces can be popped in the Christmas jigsaw, before I head off to another singing engagement. It's Christmas Carols this time. Tra la la...