More roses?
Eek! Someone else's roses have to come out to make way for a veggie garden. There are nineteen, free for the digging. Eek! So I really need nineteen more roses? Silly compulsive rescuer, me. Aargh! Am off to dig them out. Please don't ask why. Do I need nineteen more roses? I couldn't possibly comment. The car is full of shovels, spades, the axe, and the loppers. Wish me luck.

One of the New Roses
Yesterday, sensibly (?), instead of worrying where (eek!) the new roses could possibly go, I busily prepared a new hosta bed behind the woodshed. New hostas are coming as well as new roses! Also cleared the path behind the glass-house, hosed down the glass on the roof (hopeless) and weeded around the house gardens. Lots and lots of hard work. Lots accomplished, and I never gave up.

Some of the New Roses
Back with a carful of roses...
My friend helped me with the digging, and I reckon we've got seventeen, all but one shoved into the back of my little car. Had to leave a couple of huge standards behind. It's been super hot today, too - not the perfect day for hard shovelling work.
All the roses are soaking in water. Some will get severely pruned, and we'll have to see if they survive. They wouldn't have exactly survived being ripped out and thrown into a mulcher (this was to be their fate).
Thursday 3rd November
Called into the nursery, bought potting mix, some bean seeds, some broccolini seedlings, and some pots of daisies (Argyranthemums - had to check the spelling). Now am inside waiting for the heat to go away.

Pink and White Camellias
Water the Camellias...
It's another super hot day, and luckily my new pump is installed. First I will water the Camellias at the back of the Wattle Woods. A pretty pink and white which came from another garden is suddenly busily flowering, having sulked for years. Never 'write off' a shrub that doesn't flower but doesn't die, I guess.
Too hot...
But it's too hot to plant those roses, which are stashed in water in the shade. Maybe later, when the sun goes down. Oops. Haven't exactly worked out where they're all going.
Much Later...
Braved the heat (oh so brave - it was only twenty-four degrees Celsius), prepared the ground in the Hump Garden and dug in six roses. Loaded them with mulch on top. Took ages. Shifted the hoses around so all the Camellias were watered, pricked out more seedlings in the glasshouse, watered everything in there.

Seat By the Water Race
Wonderful water...
Water coming out of hoses is wonderful. It's easy to scoop bucketfuls out of the water race, but then the water wobbles, sloshes over the edge and spills all over my shoes. Hey! Be thankful! Having clean running water is such a blessing.
Friday 4th November
What a gardening legend I have been today! This morning redirected myself to weed with my lovely daughter at her sea-side garden. Heavy duty stuff, removing nasty mats of clover and creepy grass. Aargh! Then zoomed home and spent the afternoon in my own garden. Doing what? Weeding! But rather more gentle on the hands, and I collected lots of old forget-me-nots which I laid back on the garden as mulch. Added up my weeding hours - six. Six! How about that! The stuff of gardening legends, particularly on a hot Friday.
Tomorrow I pick up the new hostas. And I finish planting or potting the rescued roses. And I water my garden. Nothing else matters.