Nice and not-so-nice

Wet Dog WInnie
What's a not-so-nice thing to be woken up by in the middle of the night? A howling cat fight outside the cottage. I worry, I grab the broom and a torch, and go outside to defuse things. And what's a really lovely thing to be woken up by? Wind-free rain on the cottage roof! Yeay!
Friday 18th November
We've had a few days of solid rain. And now I'm about to go out and about in my dripping wet garden for a 'Raindrops on Roses' morning stroll, with some 'whiskers on dogs' added in, hee hee. Back soon.
Aha! Back with soaked jeans and wet shoes. Lots of foliage drooping over the paths, watery lawns. Many roses too drippy to hold their heads up properly, but lots that are oh so pretty. But the legs of my jeans are soaked, and my feet are really cold and wet. Will have to change. Meanwhile the dogs are drying off on their dog couches. It's so much simpler when dogs get wet. They hardly notice. They just drip dry onto the furniture.
Oh dear. I did something yesterday which shows my silly streak. Have slight money issues at the moment (nothing too serious). Called into the nursery to just buy one small bag of budget potting mix. Then had a bit of brain fade. Decided that I jolly well deserved some new hand tools and some brand new edging shears. And not just one small bag, but three of the biggest and most expensive. Oops. One hundred and fifty dollars later... Now let me see - just how many cafe lunches is that?

Buff Beauty Roses
Got home feeling guilty, so decided I will 'balance the books' by creating potato bakes and yummy home salads for every meal for the next two weeks. And I will stop buying salmon. As one does.
Sunday 20th November
This afternoon the rain stopped, so I tried out my new edging clippers, trimming the edges of the lawns over the water race. Wow! So much more efficient than using the kitchen scissors and sliding along on the gardening bottom (this might be the most obvious thing I've ever written down).
My edging clippers are going to live in my lounge room by the TV couches. I've even wiped them clean and popped the cover over their blades. Non-Gardening Partner doesn't think I'll manage to look after them properly. 'How long until I find them rusting in the lawn?' is his encouraging comment. Ha! I wonder if he'll like my mono-cuisine meals. He reckons he likes spuds.