The problem with lists...
The problem with writing lists of things to do in the garden : they can easily become horribly prescriptive, over-expansive and totally unrealistic. Then nothing gets finished, and the sensitive gardener (me, sometimes) feels that they are a total failure. Aargh!
So today I have a cunning plan. Yes, I am going to write a list of things to do. But it is a list that does not need to finished - not today, not later this week, or ever. It will be couched in the most passive language possible, to make me feel good. Here goes :
List of Things I Might Make a Start On, But Only If I Feel Like It.
- Maybe sweep the front patio clear of wet, slippery, fallen Wisteria blossom. But only if I can be bothered.
- Possibly I could then do some more clearing over the water race, if I feel like it. Just make a start, you understand.
- Maybe the Pelargoniums, my new Fuchsia, and the last annual seedlings could be potted up.
- Then perhaps, if the mood takes me, I could do some more weeding in the Allotment Garden.
- And, finally, I could plant my new tomatoes and courgettes, if I still hve enough energy.
The first item at least should be do-able. Lots of retired folk sit in a daze of avoidance after breakfast with a morning crossword or a sudoko. I will use this morning's 'transition after the cup-of-tea' time to make something immediately outside my house more beautiful. And, of course, improve the safety status of my patio.

Masquerade Roses
But I will not - NOT - analyse any of the other items. This is a time-wasting trick. It's so much easier to write about why you are going to do what you're going to do, than actually to just do it. If that makes any sense...
Eight hours later...
Eight hours! I've done really well, and I've even found some other things that need doing. For example, someone (wonder who?) did a major pruning session of lots of the orchard roses a few months ago, then left all the rose canes on the ground. So naughty.

Ramling Rector Rose
Didn't pot up the fuchsia - need to construct a hanging basket. That's an item for another day's list. And didn't touch the Allotment Garden. The big fence-line roses are almost in full swing over there. Love that Rambling Rector!
Late evening...
Oops. Have just come home from a two hour singing rehearsal, standing on a stage. Oh my goodness! Horribly talkative knees, and a brain totally gummed up with garden glories. Pity about the crotchets and quavers!