Remembering the naughty plants...
It's so easy to remember the naughty, invasive plants that arrived unannounced, or were planted deliberately, innocently. And how embarrassing one's initial welcoming response was. For example, I really liked the orange Alstroemeria at first. Pretty colour! But then it started flopping in the rain and spreading everywhere.

So Glad I Planted...
To balance out the unwanted nuisances (possibly Creeping Charlie could be added to that list), I've made a list of things that are adding beauty and loveliness to the garden at the moment.
I'm so glad I planted...
- The pink pelargoniums in the patio pots.
- That rough and tough yellow daisy shrub.
- All those seedling Maples, back in the day, spread around in totally different garden borders. Slow to grow, but now doing well as teenagers. Nice.
So today I return to the Island Bed and do some more digging. But with my other foot - was one-sided yesterday, had an achy hip in the night. It's a lovely autumn sunshine day. Hope I don't get too bored, annoyed, or too sore.

WInnie's Tennis Ball
Four hours later...
Trying to be sensible, because I have a gig tonight with my blues band. Being careful with my hands and fingers and using the kneeler. Five more barrowfuls out and dumped, and Winnie's tennis ball thrown at least fifty times. Am pretty happy with my progress.
Am pretty happy with my life, actually - it's filled with a variety of good music, great gardening (loving the John Clare roses which are flowering now), and enjoyable bedtime reading (Jacqueline Winspear's latest book). Loving the company of my friendly dogs and cats.
That includes you, Speckles my wild cat. When I walk over to the cottage you need to realise that though I look big I am still me, that nice person who sits down and gets smaller. The one whom you rub into with what feels like cat-love.
Non-Gardening Partner has lit the wood-burner. So comforting and nice.

John Clare Roses
Next morning...
My musical life continues its zig-zag path. Last night's blues piano is followed this morning by me conducting Benjamin Britten's Missa Brevis. And guess what? Memo to self : Never, ever dig one-footed for five hours. Vary the feet, vary the style of spade attack, and sleep ache-free.
Late afternoon...
I had a no-dig afternoon, raking the paths in the Wattle Woods instead. Brought four barrow loads out and dumped them on the bonfire. Am very happy. Both Britten and the Blues went really well.
Monday 15th May
I burnt the bonfire rubbish. Whoosh! it went, with help from bundles of dead cordyline leaves. Then I found some weed killer and squirted it on a large patch of Alstroemeria leaves. Just a test squirt, to see what happens, if anything. Needs must.