Good news...
Lots of good news. Firstly, the temperature last evening and this morning is slightly cooler. Only slightly, but phew! This is very timely, as my garden is so summer-scruffy. And I'm missing my cottage (it's been too hot to sleep in).
Bach versus Mozart...
Secondly, I sang the alto solos in yesterday's Mozart Mass pretty well - so that wee challenge is over. Nice. Now I can refill my head with Bach again. Much nicer.

Rescued Gnomes
Thirdly, I've managed to rescue two fishing gnomes from the muddy depths of the pond, below the water lilies. Eek! Very embarrassing - these two chaps have been under for more than two years (when my small friend first organised the Gnomes Fishing Club). But gnomes are resilient. Faded and bedraggled they may be, but they are still keen to get back to some fishing above the water.
Save the best for last...
The last and the best good news regards the Mooseyscountrygarden website, which has been down for four days. Four days! Yeay! It's back up again.

The Website is Back
I know a website is an inanimate object, but I absolutely love, adore, and cherish mine. I've been feeling very sad and empty without it. After all, like my garden it's been my constant companion for over twenty years. Silly, me.