Spring Surprises - 2011
I will never become complacent about spring's little surprises. Each year I get hooked into winter, with its cool blue tints all over the garden's green foliage. I endure minimal colours and flowers, and then - yippee! Spring, just when I least expect it!

Red Spring Rhododendron
The littlest things start early, and it's a joy to zoom around with the camera finding and photographing. I always promise these early spring treasures that I'll keep a much more vigilant eye out for them next year. I must remember to look up for the blossom, and not to nearly tread on the crocuses - that sort of thing...
Thank You...
So thank you to the little blue crocus flowers, the prunus and almond blossom, the pink Azalea, and the very first daffodils for doing it again, without me fussing and nosing around you, or even checking out your progress.

Early Spring Surprises for 2011
And the red rhododendron Kaponga - well done! As usual I completely forgot to check your buds. Spring your surprises for a few more weeks, please!