Just checking in...

Pink Camellia by House
I'm just checking in, really briefly, between busy gardening sessions. I've been so good these last two - three? - days. My goodness, has it really been that long since I wrote up my journal? I've just been getting on with my work, head-down, with no complaining.
Sunday 21st September
I've varied my tasks, making sure I've spent at least an hour a day in the glass-house. I've barrowed topsoil, barrowed mulch, filled in more holes, done the watering each day, and weeded delicately in the borders on my hands-and-knees.
The plant growth in my garden is so exciting. Dare I call the growth of the weeds exciting, too? Like those delicate little white-lace shot weeds, popping up everywhere.
Every time I wander past a border or down a path I'm obliged to bend over and gently grab a dozen or so. Their little white flowers lurk in the forget-me-nots and in the new shoots of the summer phlox. If I could only remove every single one before their seed dries...
Yesterday the lawns were mowed. So today I've been doing the edges as well. I've weeded in the glass-house garden, where there seems to be a lot of space for new perennials. Maybe my two dozen cutting-grown penstemons would like it in here? And I've just sown tray-loads of new flowering annual seeds : cornflowers, lavateras, white cosmos, pansies...

Late Pink Camellia in Wattle Woods
OK. That's enough for now. Must take some weed-free photographs, hee hee, and then start spreading my new load of topsoil/compost. And then catch up with my writing. Oops.

Cornflower Seedlings
I am about to go soak in the bath and clean up my fingernails. Before all the dirt dissolves, I should have some reflections on the last three days.
For I have been good. Unspectacular, maybe, but oh so good. And that is what counts! But, alas, the gardening mind seems to be completely empty. There have been no amazing revelations. I've not managed to dig up any buried thoughts of any significance. My gardening has been up there on the surface : ho-hum, repetitive, basic, uncomplicated...
Spring is the Star...
Spring has been the star of my garden these past days, and for once I've just been appreciating its sights and sounds without getting all tangled up in self-analysis.