Losing the plot?

 Taking a ride in the wheel-barrow.
New Teddy Bear

Losing the plot? I have 'rescued' a home-knitted teddy bear from the Charity Shop. As one does. This morning we all sat on the dog-couch together - Pebbles, Buster the cat, Ted, and me. Aww...

Buster purred on half my lap, Pebbles the dog snoozed with her head on the other half, while Ted, propped up in a wedge of cushions, watched (and enjoyed, I'm sure) the log-burner. I told him all about my garden, and how happy he would be here. Oh dear me. Then Winnie brought me back to reality - feeling a little left out, she tried (unsuccessfully) to chew Ted's foot.

I have sooooo much to do. Resisted asking Ted what he thought I should do first. Actually, I think I heard him whisper 'the washing'. So naturally I've just done that. And I only went into that Charity shop because I saw two big garden pots sitting outside. I rescued them, too - thought they needed to go to a good gardening home...

Yesterday in the garden I was super-productive. I trimmed ferns and shrubs, cleared leaves and mess, working my way through Middle Garden and around Duck Lawn. Remembered the roses on the sunny edge of the Hen-House Garden. Pruned them. Each barrow-load went straight to the bonfire.

 Wonderful yellow winter flowers.
Wattle in Flower

Yeay! The big Wattle trees are flowering. Also noticed that the purple seat needs mending. Will now present a list of on-going tasks which I need to action in order to re-establish my 'gardening-cred' :

So I will start by donning my frog-suit and going into the water to sort out those irises. They are a beautiful purple colour, and deserve to be replanted in a nice place, fernless.

 Great for going in the water.
Frog Suit and Spade

Later, lunchtime...

So here we are sitting at the patio table, me and Ted (propped up on a cushion), and the dogs are close by. I don't think that having lunch with one's new teddy bear is certifiable behaviour for a senior gardener. Ted is good company! And he doesn't bark in my face or try to bite my gumboots (like you, young Pebbles). We are all watching the birds fluttering on their feeders. The squishy pear is a big hit!

Much Later...

So I cleared up the irises, raked up loads of leaves, burnt them, even spread some horse manure. Am very happy. Took Ted for a wee ride in the wheelbarrow (warned him it would be a bit dirty). Got ready, just enough time, for my evening choir rehearsal. Another uber-productive day. Lovely!

Tomorrow we are climbing Mount Herbert (he's a biggie, at 919m). It's a reward for my good gardening week.

Saturday 18th August

The day after the climb (which was so groovy) - no stiffness, no misbehaving knees, no problems whatsoever. Golly gosh - I must be fitter than I thought! This morning I bought some second hand curtains, and my bossy friend (she knows what I'm like) insisted on coming over to put them up. Immediately! Aargh! I hemmed them, she ironed them, then up they went.

RIP, Purple Seat

Had about an hour and a half of daylight left to do some gardening. Went over to look at the purple seat - hopeless! Most of its wood is untreated, and is rotting. So I took to it with the axe. Then I half-filled the trailer with more mess from The Hump. Lots more Camellias are flowering. Love them all.

And now it's dark. The House Merlot is going down a treat (as usual), and I'm about to pull my new curtains around the bay window. Have installed new Ted in one of the chairs, so he can enjoy the new look. Yeay! Thanks, friend...

Sleeping arrangements...

Just organising where Ted should sleep. His clothes (red and blue) are the wrong colour for Pond Cottage. So sorry - everything in the cottage is green, and there are already six Teds in green pyjamas there, sleeping in a Moses basket. So new Ted can sleep in the spare house bedroom underneath a bright yellow cat quilt for now. Until I make him his own green pyjamas.

 Ready for bed.
Pond Cottage Teddies